The work of Bedia constitutes a contemporary rearticulation of an inherited transcultural visual language. In particular, Bedia draws upon and reelaborates different visual languages belonging to the religious cultures of Afro-Cuban and indigenous peoples of the Americas. In this sense he is a student of history representing a long process of immersion in ethnography, the observation and collecting of object-based work produced in Africa and the Americas, an observance of Palo Monte, an Afro-Cuban religion in which he is initiated, and ongoing personal field work.
Bedia's work functions as a way of telling a complex history as it emerges and is structured by relations of colonialism and its legacy. If Bedia's work appears composed of rituals, fables, legends, parables, belief, and story telling, it is because these represent the fabric that weaves together peoples with a common inheritance and destiny. It is the evidence of a shared historical core that lies at the heart of these people and the way in which it is embodied and transmitted over generations.
Charles Merewether
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