Born in Havana, Cuba (U.S. Citizenship), 1963, lives and works in Miami, Florida.
Bachelor of Fine Arts with a major in painting, Summa Cum Laude. Higher Institute of Arts. Havana, Cuba.
Graduated in Arts. San Alejandro National School of Fine Art, Havana, Cuba.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Ellegúa, Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami, Florida.
That is how you chew love, Alpha International Galleries,(LLC) Miami, Florida.
She's Back, Art@Work, Mosquera Orthodontics, Miami, Florida.
Ana Albertina Delgado, Freites-Revilla Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida.
My Woman, Ambrosino Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida.
Paquita has left us, Ambrosino Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida.
The Box of Dreams, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
Ana Albertina & Adriano, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
Solo Show, Provincial Center of Culture, Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
Within the Lip, Castle of the Royal Force, Havana, Cuba.
The Hobby of Juan, Higher Institute of Arts, Havana, Cuba.
Selected Group Exhibitions
American Art Today, faces & figures. The Art Museum at Florida International University.
CAFE II: The journeys of Cuban Artists. University of Colorado Springs.
Hello Cuba, The Mary Brogan Museum of Art & Science, Tallahassee, Florida.
Coffee. Augusta Savage Gallery, Massachusetts, Boston.
Entre Cubanos. Artemira Gallery, Dominican Republic.
Palmas Reales y Vitrales, Jose Alonso Fine Arts, Miami, Florida.
Breaking Barriers: Selections from the Museum of Contemporary Cuban Art Collection, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Crossing Borders, Contemporary Art by Latin American Women, Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New York.
MICAF-Art Miami 96, Ambrosino Gallery, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida.
Nuevo Arte de Cuba y Mexico, David Fioria Gallery, Aspen, Colorado. (In conjonction with Galeria Nina Menocal, Mexico City, Mexico.)
The Sheldon Lurie Art Against AIDS Auction V, Sponsored by The Wolfson Campus, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida.
Altered States, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Expo-Arte Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Mexico.
The New Collection I, Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture, Miami, Florida.
Encuentro Interamericano de Artistas Plasticos, Museo de las Artes, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Black Box - Conceptual Intervention, Ground Level Gallery, South Florida Art Center, Miami Beach, Florida.
The Nearest Edge of the World: Art and Cuba Now, Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, Georgia.
Arte Cubana, Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture, Miami, Florida.
Muro Roto/Broken Wall, Fred Snitzer Gallery, Miami, Florida.
Art Miami 93, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida.
Los Cubanos Llegaron Ya II, Ninart, Centro de Cultura, Mexico City, Mexico.
La Decada Prodigiosa: Plastica Cubana de los 80, Museo del Chopo, Mexico.
Proyecto America, Universidad Federal de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro,Brasil.
Plastica Cubana Contemporanea, Sala de Exposicion SECOFI, Mexico City, Mexico.
Six Latin American Women Artists, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
15 Artistas Cubanos, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
Los Cubanos llegaron ya, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
Los hijos de Guillermo Tell, Artistas Cubanos Contemporaneos, Museo de Artes Visuales Alejandro Otero, Caracas, Venezuela and Banco de la Republica de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
Nuevas Adquisiciones Contemporaneas: Muestra de Arte Cubano, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba.
Cuba Construye (Arte Joven Cubano), Euskal Fondoa, Bilbao, Spain.
The Nearest Edge of the World.- Art and Cuba Now, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York.
The Nearest Edge of the World.- Art and Cuba Now, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston.
Kuba OK, Stadtische Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf, Germany.
El Objeto Esculturado, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Havana, Cuba.
Kitsch, Galeano Gallery, Parallel Exhibition to Havanas III Biennial of Art. Havana,Cuba.
Tributo, Habana del Este Gallery, Parallel Exhibition to Havanas III Biennial of Art. Habana, Cuba.
Sexo y erotismo, Universidad de La Habana, Parallel Exhibition to Havanas III Biennial of Art. Havana, Cuba.
Paisaje, Comite Estatal de Finanzas, Parallel Exhibition to Havanas III Biennial of Art. Havana, Cuba.
Salon Nacional de Pequeno Formato, Centro de Arte Camaguey, Cuba.
Es solo lo que ves (Arte abstracto), Havana, Cuba.
Jovenes artistas cubanos", Massachusetts College of Arts, Boston, Massachusetts.
Raices en accion, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico.
Arte cubano, Galeria Tetriakov, Moscow.
Veintitantos abriles", Galeria Habana, Havana, Cuba.
Estrictamente personal, Fototeca de Cuba, Havana, Cuba.
Aire fresco, Galer?a Plaza Vieja, Grupo Pur?, Havana, Cuba.
Expo Pure Parallel Exhibition to Havanas III Biennial of Art. Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana,Cuba.
Primer encuentro de jovenes artistas, Museo Provincial de Villa Clara, Cuba.
Pure expone, Galeria L, Grupo Pure, Havana, Cuba
10 Anos del I.S.A.", Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba.
XVI Seminario Juvenil de Estudios Martianos, I.S.A., Havana, Cuba.
Salon Nacional de Artes Plasticas de Escuelas de Arte (nivel medio), Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba.
Honorable Mention, Servando Cabrera Moreno Salon, Playa Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
First Prize, XVI Seminario Juvenil Martiano, Instalation, Grupo Pure, I.S.A., Havana, Cuba.
Public Collections
The Art Museum at Florida Intrenational University, Florida, U.S.A.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Florida, U.S.A.
The Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, U.S.A
Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A
Museum of Arts, Guadalajara University, Jalisco, Mexico.
National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba.
O'Relly, Andrea. Remenbering Cuba. University of Texas press. U.S.A.
de la Nuez, Ivan. Arte en Miami. Un boom de los 90. "Redefiniciones de los 90" Revista. Internacional de Arte, Lapiz. #127, pp.16-27.
Camnitzer, Luis. New Art of Cuba, USA. Illus.: "Nuevos oficios para Isabel, Lazara, y Bertica, 1990. B/W. pp. 293-296. Illus: Grupo Pure, Fir-st Exhibition, 1986, pp. 184-186.
Delgado, Ana Albertina. La Caja de los Suenos. Illus. Color. Mexico, 1992-93.
Humphey, Richard. "Art-Six Latin American Women Artists", Discovery '92. Illus.: Un Soplo de Amor", Color, USA, 1991
Sanchez, Osvaldo. 15 Artistas Cubanos o el muro que nunca existio, 15 Artistas Cubanos. Illus.: "De Seguro No Te Olvidare,", Mexico, 1991, p. 22.
Kellie, Jones. Poets of a New Style of Speak: Cuban Artists of this Generation.
"The Nearest Edge of the World: Art and Cuba Now", USA, pp. 12-17.
Mosquera, Gerardo. Ana Albertina Delgado. Illus.: "La Manzana", "La Decision Quizas", Color, USA, 1989, pp.42-43.
Torres Llorca, Ruben. Ojos Para Ver, Dentro del Labio. Cuba, pp. 3-6.
Mosquera, Gerardo. Raices en Accion: Nuevos Artistas de Cuba. Illus.: s/t (detail), B/W, Mexico, 1986, p.22.
Pure? Expone. Cuba, pp. 2-3.
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